In this series, Kelly takes you through the diversity of horror films that you can find on the free streaming service, Tubi TV.
1) Jugface (2013)

This is an obscure, unique, indie movie that falls into the realm of American folk horror. I enjoyed it! I thought the pit at the center of the horror would more resemble the Sarlacc pit (Star Wars: Return to the Jedi) and not a little hole in the ground, but, alas, it wasn't and was anticlimactic. It’s a slow and subtle film, yet still entertaining enough to maintain your interest throughout. Also, side note, there is incest.
2) Freddy vs Jason (2003)

This movie was a campy staple in my teenage years and it’s still a riot now. Monica Keena is a shining gem, along with the terrible CGI. It might not be the most poignant of Nightmare on Elm Street films, or as memorable in the kill sequences as the Friday the 13th series is, but it is a glorious mess of a mash-up. There are some great looking scenes between Freddy and Jason, not to mention their banter and dynamic. Oh, and don't forget the nu metal, a key component to early 00s horror.
3) Final Destination (2000)

I highly recommend doing a double feature one night with this one and Freddy vs Jason. I grew up on both of them! Final Destination is actually a very refreshing and compelling story. Who hasn’t had nightmares about plane crashes?! We have a bunch of teen favorites in this one: Devon Sawa, Kerr Smith, Ali Larter and Seann William Scott. Not to mention horror icon Tony Todd! I can’t say much for the entire franchise, but Final Destination holds up to some chilling, and highly entertaining scenes.
4) Lone Wolf (1988)

Tubi definitely does weird, random horror best! Lone Wolf is not even a gem, it’s just a random horror movie that was made on $0. But, I am a sucker for a movie that is about a “struggling rock band” and how they “cope with the usual trials and tribulations of their young lives” - thanks IMDB. There is little violence, gore and blood, but it does contain a decent werewolf design and a wicked rat tail. It looks like it is one of those films that would be found on a late night cable network, and frankly, that’s where the charm is. Also, how can you NOT love this banger: - Actually, I think I love this movie! Watch it immediately!
5) The Mare (2020)

The most serious and well made film on this list, The Mare is a Norwegian film about depression, grief, and insomnia. It blends dreams and reality into a very sad story, which is a concept that sometimes doesn’t work for me, but here it does. There are some spooky scenes and great acting choices. It is a very understated horror movie, and one that I think everyone should watch. This is a horror movie gem on Tubi. Come for the horror, but stay for the incredible Norwegian landscapes. Breathtaking!